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Soil Plant Sciences and Forestry Soil Tensiometer
Soil Tensiometer

Soil Tensiometer

Instrumex’ make tensiometer measures the force with which water is held in the soil by the soil particles. Scheduling irrigation based on how hard plant roots are working to draw water from the soil. This force, referred to as soil suction, tension, or potential, indicates how tightly the water is bound in the soil, and how much energy must be exerted by plant roots to remove and use the water. The basic components of a tensiometer include a porous ceramic cup, a plastic body tube, and a vacuum gauge. The ceramic cup is placed in good hydraulic contact with the soil and allows transfer of water into and out of the tensiometer body according to the tension in the soil. The vacuum inside the tensiometer body equilibrates with the soil water tension, and the dial gauge provides a direct readout of the tension.

Instrumex’ make tensiometer measures the force with which water is held in the soil by the soil particles. Scheduling irrigation based on how hard plant roots are working to draw water from the soil. This force, referred to as soil suction, tension, or potential, indicates how tightly the water is bound in the soil, and how much energy must be exerted by plant roots to remove and use the water. The basic components of a tensiometer include a porous ceramic cup, a plastic body tube, and a vacuum gauge. The ceramic cup is placed in good hydraulic contact with the soil and allows transfer of water into and out of the tensiometer body according to the tension in the soil. The vacuum inside the tensiometer body equilibrates with the soil water tension, and the dial gauge provides a direct readout of the tension.

Category Soil Plant Sciences and Forestry
Product Name Soil Tensiometer
Item Number VH1003-05
Additional Information None
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